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December 7, 2023
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Kshar Sutra Treatments

Kshar sutra is the specialized, most famous, and most reliable, minimal invasive surgical procedure for Piles, Fissure in Ano, fistula in Ano, Sentinel tags, anal warts, pilonidal sinus etc. It has about to null recurrence rate after procedure (about 1-2 % in 1000 cases). the best part is that this could be done in O.P.D in most cases and there is no need to be at hospital after procedure. in maximum cases anaesthesia also not needed or the procedure may be done under local anaesthesia.

The Kshar means alkaline medicines (tends to be chemical cauterizing media) and the Sutra means thread. The thread smeared in Kshar is called Kshar sutra.

The Kshar (cauterizing media) has alkaline pH and possesses cauterizing (cutting), disinfection, wound healing properties so it cuts, cleans, heals in same time, making it best option. The Kshar can also be used as internal medicine (Paneey Kshar) for some ailments but that Kshar is different from the Kshar of Kshar sutra.

Indications of Kshar Sutra :-

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